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Poultry Diseases and Cures: A Comprehensive Guide to Healthy Flocks

Posted on January 11th, 2024.

In the world of poultry farming, maintaining a healthy flock is crucial for successful hatcheries like Bresse Star Chick Hatchery. Poultry diseases can pose significant threats, affecting both the well-being of the birds and the overall productivity of the hatchery. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore common poultry diseases and effective cures, emphasizing the importance of good Environments (especially air quality), water, nutrition, vitamins & minerals and last but not least grit, to prevent these ailments.

Understanding Common Poultry Diseases:

To ensure the health of your poultry, it's essential to be aware of common diseases that can affect them. Coccidiosis, Avian influenza (fowl Plaque), Pullorum disease, fowl typhoid, Newcastle disease, and infectious bronchitis are some examples. Recognizing the symptoms early on is key to implementing effective treatment strategies.

The Significance of Hygiene and Cleanliness:

Maintaining a clean and hygienic environment is fundamental to disease prevention. Bresse Star Chick Hatchery adheres to stringent cleanliness protocols, emphasizing the proper disposal of waste and regular disinfection. Clean surroundings contribute significantly to reducing the risk of disease transmission among poultry. Following this protocol goes a long way to ensuring your giving your flock a chance to be healthy. Clean pens and runs contributing towards ideal air quality are even more important than Water and Feed according to Jeff Mattocks the head Nutrionist at the Fertrell Company. By the way Bresse Star Chick Hatchery is proud to be associated with the Fertrell company. We use their Vitamins and Minerals daily and have also become a Fertrell Dealership here in Utah serving all the states nearby. Air quality is very important. If you happen to smell amonia in their pen or run that means your flock has been breathing that for at least 2 days before you did. This really messes up their Respiratory System which leads to a few diseases that can cause death. 

Importance of Good Nutrition:

One of the primary factors influencing poultry health is nutrition. The number one most important fact to following a good Nutrition plan is clean Fresh Water daily if possible. Your set up may prevent new fresh water daily however clean water daily is mandatory towards the health of your flock. The lack of water for even one day or when hot or very cold, even part of the day can and will affect your feathered friends health as well as the lack of eggs. Bresse Star Chick Hatchery understands the significance of providing a well-balanced diet to prevent diseases. Quality feed that meets the specific nutritional requirements of poultry breeds can strengthen the immune system and promote overall well-being. Which means you do not have to worry about your chickens or chicks getting sick as much or not at all. More eggs and larger eggs are possible with the right feed formulas. We can help you get the right feed formulas with our connections to the Fertrell Vitamins and Minerals supplement company. A small little secret that most people are unaware of is that Poultry/Animal feed purchased at most retail outlets(not all) is usually not your freshest feed. Sometimes it is fresh but our experience with poultry, goat and hog feed is the bag you buy at the retail big box stores are at at least 2 months and alot of times 4 to 6 months old. We have even found specially formulated Show feed that is 9 months old. Now some will say that grain stored in the tombs of Egypt for hundreds of years is still good . That is whole grains that have not been cracked or milled yet. As soon as they start to break down a grain to prepare it to become feed these grains start loosing their Nutritional Value . So you may ask how old can feed be to still be nutritious ? 30 to 60 days old and preferably 30 days or less to get the very most nutrition from that bag of feed. The percentages and numbers on the tag of your feed are based on when it is milled. After 60 days we have been told that you can loose 20% or even higher and after 90 + days this % of loss is even higher.  

 For our local clients here at Bresse Star Chick Hatchery located in Perry Utah, we share/sell the Specialty Layer / Show / Breeder feed we have made up each month for our flock to ensure your getting the Freshest Feed possible . We have received great feed back from our clients. Thank You ! Some of our clients tell us that they have chickens now laying that have not layed in one or two months. Others tell us that their Chickens actually act like they like their human friends now. We have had one or two tell us that their Chickens have started talking to them. lol. Here at Bresse Star Chick Hatchery we too have experienced some of these if not all of these same positive comments even the chickens talking to us more.lol :)

Bresse Star Chick Hatchery Nutrition Products

Essential Vitamins & Mineral Supplements for Poultry:

Vitamins & Minerals play a crucial role in maintaining the health and vitality of poultry. Incorporating vitamin-rich supplements into their diet can enhance immune function and prevent deficiencies. Bresse Star Chick Hatchery offers a range of high-quality vitamin supplements to support the well-being of your flock due to our connections with the Fertrell Company. We have been authorized as a Fertrell Dealership here in Utah serving also the surrounding states. 

Bresse Star Chick Hatchery Nutrition Products

The Role of Grit in Poultry Health:

Grit is often overlooked but essential component of a poultry diet. It aids in the digestion process by helping birds break down grains and seeds in their gizzards. Bresse Star Chick Hatchery provides premium quality grit in 4 different sizes to ensure optimal digestion and overall health in your poultry.

This grit works for our chickens we know it will work for yours as well.  

Bresse Star Chick Hatchery Nutrition Products

Preventive Measures and Biosecurity:

Implementing proper biosecurity measures is crucial to prevent the introduction and spread of diseases in a hatchery. Bresse Star Chick Hatchery follows strict protocols to maintain a disease-free environment, ensuring the health and safety of their poultry. Bresse Star Chick Hatchery truly does their best to be preventive of any disease. Our most important thing towards preventing disease here at Bresse Star Chick Hatchery is asking all our customers who come to pick up items from us to please park in the street and not walk onto the property. We will gladly once we receive a text that you are here we will come to you and bring to you what you have come to pick up. This goes a long way in our Bio Security prevention. 

 Please ask us how we go about starting when chicks are 1st born to prevent disease and help with the chickens overall immune system. 

Routine Health Checks and Early Detection:

Regular health checks are paramount in identifying potential issues before they escalate. This of course does not mean you have to pay to have a Veternarian if you have educated yourself to do this. Bresse Star Chick Hatchery emphasizes the importance of routine examinations to detect signs of illness early on. Observing changes in behavior ( like a chicken/chick standing or sitting alone with their feathers all puffed out ( key sign something might be going on), monitoring egg production, and checking for respiratory issues are integral aspects of proactive poultry care.

The Significance of Hygiene and Cleanliness:

Maintaining a clean and hygienic environment is fundamental to disease prevention. Bresse Star Chick Hatchery adheres to stringent cleanliness protocols, emphasizing the proper disposal of waste and regular disinfection. Clean surroundings contribute significantly to reducing the risk of disease transmission among poultry.

Educational Resources for Poultry Owners:

To empower poultry owners with knowledge, Bresse Star Chick Hatchery provides educational resources on their website. Articles, guides, and FAQs cover a range of topics related to poultry health, diseases, and preventive measures. Educated poultry keepers are better equipped to ensure the well-being of their flock.

Explore Educational Resources

Community Engagement and Knowledge Sharing:

 Engaging in forums, webinars, and social media platforms allows for knowledge sharing among poultry keepers. Stay connected to stay updated on the latest developments in poultry health and care.

In conclusion, a holistic approach to poultry health involves a combination of nutrition, preventive measures, and expert guidance. Bresse Star Chick Hatchery is committed to fostering healthy flocks and invites poultry owners to explore the comprehensive resources available for a thriving and disease-resistant poultry farm.

Feel free to reach out to us at (385) 288-1160 to possibly help with questions you have in regards to your chickens nutritional needs. Your success in poultry farming is our shared goal.

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